Approximately 440,000 people are killed every year in the U.S. as a result of preventable medical errors. This is a staggering number. ...
At Phillips Law Firm, we care about our clients. We care about those people whose lives have been impacted by the careless...
The nation’s state medical boards regularly allow thousands of physicians to continue practicing medicine even after findings of serious misconduct that puts...
1 out of 4 patients receives the wrong diagnosis. The results of that wrong diagnosis could cause you to receive inappropriate treatment...
A Tragic Story of Childbirth Malpractice Victoria Upsey suffered a placental abruption (the placenta separating from the uterus wall, which places the...
When a patient is effected by medical malpractice through, for example, a botched surgery, misguided prescription, or a tragic birth experience, it...
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